Armin Seltz

Interaction Designer, SMG
Zürich, Schweiz


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  • "I agree with the previous commenter. The idea is great and I would buy it in an instant if there was a way to control the leash.  I use a 25 foot long retractable lead for our dog and it's great, but it only works because I can lock it at any length."
    on: A Dog Harness with Better UX
  • "I actually read the headline as "Appalling Transportation Design Concept" and thought it was fitting. I also don't understand these future scenarios companies post where everything is still hypothetical. How about solving problems with todays technology and actually contributing something worthwhile. It just doesn't make sense financially, ecologically or logistically. It's also not at all thought out from a user experience stand point. It's only good for clicks because it looks "futuristic"."
    on: Appealing Transportation Design Concept: The Autonomous Sleeping Mobile
  • "Imagine breaking out that badboy at your local coffeeshop. Move over with your 15 inch Macbook Air. It would so satisfying to clunk that down on the table, shaking everyone's Lattes."
    on: A Battery-Powered Touchscreen Monitor in a Briefcase
  • "It's a cool idea in theory. But 15 Euros for an angled connector? So even that simple coat rack costs 90 Euros just for the connectors? That shelve in the last image would cost hundreds of euros just for the connectors. There is no need for them to be 3d printed, since they are always the same shape. Someone have them injection molded and I am willing to pay 15 Euros for 10 of them.And using them for "developing nations that have access to a lot of bamboo" is the stupidest thing I have read in a while. I think they do alright using natural materials for that. Even zip ties work fine. And all bamboo has different thicknesses at different heights, so how would they help?"
    on: Great Industrial Design Student Work: The 3D-Printed Mokit Connector
  • "How long before you forget to take out the keyboard from the lower half of the screen and just go to close the laptop and you hear a crunching sound. I'll pass.."
    on: Asus Unveils Bizarre Laptop With a Screen That Folds in Half
  • "Looks incredible until you park up your rig after a day of going through the dessert. You open a cool beer and want to casually lean on your 300 grand purchase and your hand is immediately scorched by the matte black surface that is only marginally cooler than the surface of the sun. So yeah, this is great for driving around in the arctic or looking cool. Otherwise you might want it in a lighter exterior color. They should have left some of the darker color for the interior, which is giving off strong hospital vibes.."
    on: From Australia, a Battery-Equipped Rugged Off-Road Trailer
  • ""And yes, it can be flipped over to show the screen to a person sitting across from you."Nobody who will buy this will ever use it. If this is a gaming machine, then why would you want to show someone else by turning around the screen. It's a useless feature that isn't even used in business settings, where it would be at least a little bit useful.That trackpad looks really crap as well, kind of the wrong shape. Also, screw you if you're left-handed."
    on: Acer's Innovative Hinged Laptop Screen
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